
Would you like to learn more about the migrant economy and the start-up activities of people with a history of immigration or flight, or are you generally interested in the topics of start-ups and self-employment in Germany? Numerous publications, studies, essays, brochures and dossiers dealing with these topics have been produced in Germany in recent years. On this page, we have tried to put together the most important and up-to-date publications available online that you can usually download free of charge. Enjoy browsing, and we hope you find what you are looking for.

Business Plan Workbook

To help you prepare your business plan, we have developed this bilingual workbook that supports you step by step in creating your business concept (business plan). On the last page of the book you will find a schematic business model in which you can make initial notes on your business idea.

If you follow the six topic blocks "step by step", you should have the first version of your business plan at the end. We have briefly summarised what you should describe or explain at the beginning of each topic block. Then we have asked the questions you need to answer to describe your business idea and concept in more detail.

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العربية - الألمانية


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English - German


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Español - Alemán


ትግርኛ - ጀርመን


Türkçe - Almanca


Українська - Німе́цька


Tiếng Việt - Tiếng Đức


Guidebook: Starting a Business in Germany

The Guidebook "Starting a Business in Germany", published by the RKW Kompetenzzentrum with the assistance of Dr Ralf Sänger, Head of the IQ-Fachstelle Migrantenökonomie, Institut für Sozialpädagogische Forschung Mainz e.V., supports especially skilled workers and people from abroad interested in starting a business as well as refugees in their start-up in Germany and provides an overview of the current framework conditions, concrete requirements and support services. Step by step, the guide offers information in German and English on the four phases of the start-up process - including link tips to practical tools and further information.


ReCOVery Studie: Unternehmer:innen in der COVID-19-Pandemie

Since March 2020, the pandemic-related restrictions have posed tremendous challenges to the economic life of small entrepreneurs and the self-employed.  The recently published ReCOVery study investigated the consequences of the restrictions on their entrepreneurial activities and the extent to which government support measures have had a stabilising effect. Ten authors from four research institutes, the Bertelsmann Stiftung and the Fachstelle Migrantenökonomie contributed to the study. Dr. Alexandra David from the Institute for Work and Technology sees the central result as follows: "Corona assistance has had a positive effect. However, targeting and needs orientation as well as fair, fast and smooth access to aid should be better organised in future crises." You can read the authors' recommendations for future crises here.


Leitfaden für Studierende und Akademiker:innen zur Unternehmensgründung

The guide informs students, academics and researchers from non-EU countries about the possibilities under residence law and the challenges of becoming self-employed in Germany. For students, the step into self-employment can be an opportunity to pursue employment and remain in Germany during and after the completion of their studies - the same applies to researchers whose employment contract is coming to an end. In most cases, they do not know which residence titles will enable them to take this step and which residence title would be the right one for them. They are also not aware of the required documents and the necessary steps. The guide will shortly answer these and other questions.


Handreichung: Gründungsunterstützung Zugewanderter

Results from over ten years of practical experience of various projects dealing with migration-specific start-up counselling are compiled here. Among other things, questions about suitable instruments and offers are answered; furthermore, there are recommendations, practical tips, checklists and information for the first steps that meet the requirements of adequate support. The handout is also available in a compact version.
